The Moon chain with the Earth chain formed two units,
or two polarities, negative and positive. The point of merging was reached, and the Earth chain absorbed or synthesized the
moon chain in the same sense as certain of the schemes will merge until only three will apparently be left.
Therefore the Earth chain is essentially dual in its
nature, being the sumtotal of a male and a female chain. This is a mystery impossible to elucidate further. TCF 414.
The major task of man is the "regulation of the pairs
of opposites." The theme of duality, therefore, runs through the whole story of man's development. EA 54.
The white magician uses the kundalini force as it is
transmitted via the central spinal channel. The black magician uses the inferior channels, dividing the fourfold energy in
two units, which mount via the two channels, leaving the central one dormant.
Hence it will be apparent that one works with duality
and the other with unity. On the planes of duality, therefore, it is apparent why the black magician has so much power. The
plane of unity for humanity is the mental plane. TCF 988.
The ancient yoga of Atlantean days (which has come
down to us in the necessarily fragmentary teaching of the yoga of the centers) conveys to us the information that the reflection
of the sutratma in the human organism is called the spinal cord, and expresses itself in three nerve channels. These three
are called ida, pingala, and the central channel, the sushumna.
When the negative and positive forces of the body,
which express themselves via the ida and pingala nerve routes, are equilibrized, the forces can ascend and descend by the
central channel to and from the brain, passing through the centers up the spine without hindrance. When this is the case we
have perfected soul expression in the physical man. TWM 95.
The three channels up the spine are responsive in their
totality to the three major centers:
To the solar plexus center, providing thus the impulse
of desire and feeding the physical life and the creative urge.
To the heart center, providing the impulse to love and
to conscious contact with ever widening areas of divine expression.
To the head center, providing the dynamic impulse
of the will to live.
I do not indicate which channel is responsive to which
center, except in the case of the sushumna channel which is responsive only to the energy of the head center and the directing
will, centered in the 1000-petalled lotus. This can be safely stated, as the spiritual will is as yet undeveloped in those
who seek to arouse kundalini. When it is aroused, they will know what they can safely do. EH 187.
The spinal column (from the angle of the esoteric sciences)
houses a threefold thread. This is the externalization of the antahkarana, composed of the antahkarana proper, the sutratma
or life thread, and the creative thread. This threefold thread within the spinal column is therefore composed of three threads
of energy which have channeled for themselves in the substance of the interior of the column a "threefold way of approach
and of withdrawal."
These are called in the Hindu terminology: the ida,
the pingala and the sushumna paths, and they together form the path of life for the individual man and are awakened into activity
sequentially and according to ray type and the point of evolution. The sushumna path is not used correctly and safely until
the antahkarana has been built and the Monad and Personality are thereby related, even if it is only by the most tenuous thread.
Then the Monad, the Father, the will aspect, can reach the personality in a direct manner, and can arouse the basic center,
and with it blend, unify and raise the three fires. One of these paths is the one along which the energy which feeds matter
is poured. Another is related to the path of consciousness and of sensitive psychic unfoldment. The third is the path of pure
spirit. EH 184.
The Sushumna ray the first of the Seven Mystic rays
of the Sun... The names of the Seven Rays which are, Sushumna, Harikesa, Viswakarman, Viswatryarchas, Sannaddha, Sarvavasu
and Swaraj, are all mystical, and each has its distinct application in a distinct state of consciousness, for occult purposes.
SD1 515.
Ray 1. First Channel of Unity, Sushumna. The Lord of
Power or Will. This Life wills to love, and uses power as an expression of divine beneficence. Pure Spirit. The head center,
providing the dynamic impulse of the will to live. Central balanced superior Channel. (narrow razor-edged path).
Ray 2. Second Channel of Duality, Harikesa. The Lord
of Love-Wisdom, Who is the embodiment of pure love. Is related to the path of consciousness and of sensitive psychic unfoldment.
The heart center, providing the impulse to love and to conscious contact with ever widening areas of divine expression. Right
pingala inferior channel positive Sun Yang masculine Fire "THA"nadi. Heart Center. The pairs of opposites, Soul and Personality
(battlefield of higher relations).
Ray 3. Third Channel of Duality, Viswakarman. The Lord
of Active Intelligence, One along which the energy which feeds matter is poured. To the solar plexus center, providing thus
the impulse of desire and feeding the physical life and the creative urge. left Ida inferior channel negative Moon Yin feminine
water "HA"nadi. Solar Plexi center. The pairs of opposites (of which the scales are the symbol). Adapted JPC.
Simultaneously with this appearance of duality in the
"nadis", the disciple finds himself able to use the two channels - ida and pingala - which are found up the spinal column,
one on each side of the central channel. There can now be the free flow of force up and down these two "pathways of the forces"
and thus out into the "nadis", utilizing the area around any of the major centers as distributing areas and thus galvanizing,
at will, any part of the mechanism into activity, or the whole mechanism into coordinated action. The disciple has now reached
the point in his development where the etheric web, which separates all the centers up the spine from each other, has been
burned away by the fires of life. The "sushumna" or central channel can be slowly utilized. This parallels the period wherein
there is the free flow of soul force through the central channel in the "nadis". EP2 595.
JPC. May 2004.